The sad and lamentable legacy that the WTS left behind as a result of the 1975 fiasco, is an entire generation of disillusioned believers in the WT system. Far from being individuals who hyped up the teaching quite unnessasrily, these ones [and I include myself in this] were the most loyal and decent of WT followers whose devotion was, at that time, never questioned by the leadership of the WTS.
In his book COC Ray Franz tells of several GB sessions when this issue was brought up and some explanation thought desirable to be given to the R&F. If the leadership were honest enough, they would have conceded some ground and I am sure, would not have suffered such a large exodus. In fact we waited for the society to be honest with us, as their vaunted claims suggested them to be. No matter how facile the explanation, I am sure a large number would have been satisfied, submitting to more disappointment, but carrying on regardless.
The hardliners in the GB, however, determined that the best policy was to ride out the storm. In fact it was'nt till 5 years later, that a trivial and ambiguous "statement" was prepared. A statement that was as meaningless as it was trivial. It was then that several decided to move out. Such outrageously dishonest men had proved themselves to be unworthy of the trust they demanded from others.
It was'nt till a further few years that the idea was encouraged among the remaining R&F that the real problem lay, not with the leaders, but with the led. As if those being led were more effectual than the leaders. If such was the case, and it WAS some in the R&F who were hyping up the claims, then WHY DID THE WTS NOT SAY SOMETHING . In fact, the reality was that it was THEY who were encouraging the R&F to do certain things, like defer medical attention, sell homes, withdraw savings etc, JUST to show LOYALITY to the WTS. It was these ones, who made unbelievable sacrifices, that the WTS has betrayed.
Today we stand as a visible and potent testimony to the brash, and obscene quackery of a devious group of men who made the arrogant claim to speak for the God of Heaven. A claim that history has shown to be empty and vain.
And I have news for them: WE WILL NEVER GO AWAY !! Everyday, with every breath we will expose them for the worthless scum they in fact are.